| 1. | Successor in title 业权继承人 |
| 2. | 9 " employer " means the person named in the agreement and the legal successors in title to this person "业主"指协议所述人员,及其法定职务继承人。 |
| 3. | 5 " contractor " means the person named in the agreement and the legal successors in title to this person "总包商"指协议所述人员,及其法定职务继承人。 |
| 4. | 1 this agreement shall be binding on the heirs , personal representatives and successors in title of the parties hereto 此协议将被捆绑至后继者,个人代表和当事人的有资格的接任者。 |
| 5. | The provisions in the first to third paragraphs apply also to anyone who has discovered and further developed a new plant variety or his successor in title 以上第一段至第三段的条款亦适用于任何一发现并进一步发展出新的植物品种的个人或其名义上之继承人。 |
| 6. | 6 " subcontractor " means the person named in the agreement and the legal successors in title to this person , but not ( except with the consent of the contractor ) any assignee "分包商"指合同协议所述人员及其法定职务继承人,但不包括其任何受让人(除非总包商同意) 。 |
| 7. | 8 " subcontractor " means any person named in the contract as a subcontractor , or any person appointed as a subcontractor , for a part of the works ; and the legal successors in title to each of these persons 8 “分包商”指合同中指明为分包商的所有人员,或为部分工程指定为分包商的人员;及所有上述人员的合法继承人。 |
| 8. | Anyone who is a national of , or has his domicile in , such a state and who has , in cases other than those mentioned under 1 , produced a new plant variety outside this country , or is the successor in title of such a person 项所提及的国家之国籍的个人或其名义上之继承人在该国境外研发出新的植物品种亦可取得此项权利。 |
| 9. | 1 " mployer " means the person named as such in this contract and the legal successors in title to such person , but not ( except with the consent of the contractor ) any assignee of such person 1雇主是指本合同所指明的当事人以及取得此当事人资格的合法继承人,但除非承包商同意,不包括此当事人的任何受让人,本合同中的雇主为… … (填入名称) 。 |
| 10. | Anyone who has outside this country produced a new plant variety , or his successor in title , may acquire a plant breeder s right in respect of the plant variety , where the producer is a swedish national or has his domicile in sweden 任何一个在瑞典境外具有瑞典国籍或其住所设于瑞典境内研发出新的植物品种的个人或其名义上的继承人,根据本法可以取得由此一品种衍生之利益的独占权利。 |